• PopupFolder displays the contents of all folders up to five levels deep. If the item you wish to access is beyond the fifth level, release the button on the folder located nearest the final destination and continue the same procedure from there. • Before displaying a folder’s contents, PopupFolder pauses a short moment allowing you to move the folder, if necessary. The duration of this pause depends on the Double-Click Speed configured in the Mouse control panel. To modify this speed, you have to modify the settings of the Double-Click Speed. • By default, PopupFolder displays the items of the submenus in the color of related files as previously configured in the Label menu in the Finder. • An easy way to file your data is by grouping certain items by subject, importance, date, etc. To do this, select all items you wish to group one by one and type a space before their name. Next create a new folder within the open folder and change its name into “-”. Note: The latter will only work if the option Alphabetical (Normal) has been checked in the option Folder position.